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August 2021


Well it's been a while since I have posted to this page.  Sweet Bjorn found his way  to adoption into a wonderful new home. It was bittersweet day, but ultimately it was best for him as I didn't feel the isolated life of a stud cat would have suited him.  I didn't get to simmer on that too long because soon after the  girls began having their litters, one by one.  What joy! It doesn't matter how many times I get to experience a new birth, I still get just as excited as it's the first. All those tiny faces developing into unique little personalities and then eventually becoming energetic balls of joy for their new families.  As we approach fall, I look back and cannot help but feel grateful and blessed. All of my kittens found their way into wonderful new families who share their stories and pictures.

Thank you Lord for keeping us safe and protected in these uncertain times.

March 2021

Talk about an exciting month!  Bianca had her baseball team, 10 kittens.    That's a first here at CR Maines.  She had to have a C-section, mom and kittens are doing great.  We had about 5 days to get over that before we were on the road to Indiana for the show.  This would be Bjorn's first show, I had high hopes for him but without being at a show in over a year I didn't know what the competition would bring.  Packed up Bjorn, Bianca and her team, Peta (just cuz), and Mariah who was going home to Lorelei with Psycatics.  Met my friend Julie from Arkancoons and made our way up north.  We had a full load!  

Bjorn did great!  No judges were harmed in the making of this Champion, lol. I think his next show will be even better.  Peta was a pistol, entertaining as ever... Miss Personality Plus!  Psycatics offered to surrogate 2 of Bianca's kittens so I would only be taking 8 back home.  The weekend had been perfect,,, I should have known that it would change.  I fed the kittens early before I began packing Sunday morning to leave the hotel.  Loaded the truck and then put the adults in the carriers and we were home Sunday late, unloaded and warmed some milk to feed the kittens.  That's when it got interesting,..5, 6, 7.... 5, 6, 7...WHERE WAS 8?  Unbeknownst to me, while I was packing up Bianca was doing a little "unpacking" of her own.  She had moved one of the kittens from the carrier to under the bed.  I must have broken up her move when it was time to leave.  

At first contact with the hotel they said the kitten was not there,, now I'm panicked and searching the house tearing apart every closet and cubby hole.  After ripping my house apart I contacted the hotel again and asked them to look again.  #8 was hiding under the bed!  I can't thank Karly Chnupa enough for heading to the hotel and picking up #8.  She fed and took care of him while we made the 12hr round trip back up there.  #8 is a very lucky kitten, who ended up being nicknamed Indy (Indiana).   

A few valuable lessons learned this month,, it takes a village sometimes to be a breeder.  From the vet clinic who scheduled the emergency C section, to the fellow breeders who we carpool with, those that take your kittens to surrogate, and others who come to your aid to pick up a kitten 8hrs away.  Today I feel truly blessed!

Oh and head counts from now on leaving those hotel rooms!

Bjorn judging 1.jpg


Don't forget me mom!


at the hotel



March 14, 2021

It's time!... I'm almost giddy with anticipation.  After a very long year of restrictions and social distancing the shows are commencing again. I kept one of the kittens from Vanessa's last litter, Bjorn, and this will be his debut at Crown Point, IN.  I would have preferred to bring a kitten out rather than a teenage/adult boy but I find comfort in knowing there will be other breeders in the same boat with unruly teenagers on the floor!

Amid all of this our girl Bianca had her litter of kittens.  10 healthy boys and girls, thank you Lord!  It will be a juggling act but she and the kittens will be traveling with us to the show.  They are too young to leave just yet..  Never a dull moment, for sure!


August 2, 2020

It has been awhile since I've posted anything to my blog.  You would think isolation would give a person a lot of time, "oh contrare".... Life has never been busier!  With the cancellation of shows for the remainder of the year, I've been focusing on my momma's and the kittens.  I've had a couple really good litters and really wish I could have showed these in kitten classes, but...  I will bring them out as adults next year and hopefully do well.  It has given me time to spend playing with the kittens and getting some crazy videos! I miss my other cat crazy friends and try to keep in touch by phone and internet.  I hope you all are finding things to amuse yourself and to stay busy! Be safe above all,,, God Bless!


April 5, 2020

COVID 19 - We are complying with social distancing by staying home.  Although, I've realized that my life has changed very little.  I live in a very remote area, rarely go into town.  When not working spend my days with my Coons or riding horses, fishing or hiking.  My prayers each day are with those afflicted.  The kittens are a welcome distraction from the serious news.  They remind me that we have to keep looking forward with hope of the future.   They are growing so fast and developing all having their own distinct personalities.  These are the fun days, watching them growing into beautiful bundles of non-stop entertainment!


February 7, 2020


I promised that we would have exciting news in February!  After much planning and coordinating, we were finally on the road to Chicago O'Hare to pick up our newest little girl "Bianca".  She did not disappoint!  She came out of the carrier with such confidence and curiosity.  Loving and so personable, she was a beauty.  Aka "long tail"  she has quickly made herself at home and has become fast friends with Vanessa.  The two can be found most days chasing the BOT vacuum or laying in the window chattering at the birds.   Many thanks to Angelica Drotyanko of Argenta Pride for allowing me to bring this lovely girl to the U.S.


January 8, 2020

The excitement of the holiday's are over and with the anticipated arrival of the Fed X guy ending in disappointment the coonies are left to find other ways to amuse themselves.  Thank goodness Santa brought that amazing bot vacuum!  They sit huddled around the docking station waiting for Vanessa to turn it on.  So, as I sit at my desk I get to listen to them turning it on and off over and over again, it's magical...

We do have exciting news, Ms. Lindy is pregnant and probably not nearly as excited as I am.  We can expect a litter in mid February.   She becomes more loving around this time and can be found most days lounging on the sofa.  Her expressions are priceless!  


And, lastly stay tuned for some really exciting news later in February as we anxiously welcome our newest family member from Ukraine!  More announcements coming soon....

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