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Why Purchase from a Registered Breeder


Guarantees.. simply without the registration paperwork there is no guarantee that the kitten you receive does not have mix breeding.  If you're looking for a purebred kitten with a guarantee that your new fur baby is free from genetic defects, raised in safe environments, socialized, and healthy then you need to visit a registered breeder.  Breeders offer health guarantees and stand with you even beyond the purchase. Cattery's that sell unregistered purebred MC kittens are commonly buyers who have reneged on their contract with a registered breeder to have their kitten spayed/neutered.


Your kitten is an investment financially and emotionally.   Registered breeders spend an enormous amount of time and expense on their  Kings, Queens and kittens.  Consistently comparing their litters to breed standards, culling those who do not carry these traits and breeding only those that do...  The end result is you`can be sure to receive a quality kitten that has all the desirable traits, appearance and personality, ..... that world famous playful, inquisitive and very chatty nature.  

*CR Maines cattery stands behind the adoption of strays and cats in shelters, and does not promote irresponsible breeding.

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